大塚 聡|Satoshi Otsuka

< Untitled ( Wonderfull Circle ) >
mirror, two-way mirror, light, aluminum, 
pullsation sencor
Photos : Masaru Yanagiba

" Fijino International Art Symposium 2002 "
Kanagawa, Japan

※ 鑑賞者がセンサーを握ることで脈動を感知し、そのパルスに呼応して鏡面上に光が現れる作品。
※ The sensor modules feel the subject pulses and allows the light radiating from the mirror to pulsate in rhythm.
This produces two dots of light in the mirror, one for each of the two persons facing each other with mirrors between them.
When their pulsations become simultaneous, the two dots of light in the mirror alsocorrespond.
Communication comes about through the visualization of the pulse beats.
The installation was carried out in an old house built over 100 years ago.
